Category: Other

The Other category displays the articles and tutorials which don’t quite fit into our other various categories. This may include information about proprietary platforms, tools or the Liquid Web control panels

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tux the Penguin with Hotpatching (KernelCare)The concept of ‘Kernel hotpatching’, sometimes called live patching, was introduced to the Linux community around 2008. Soon after groups began developing differing implementations of the concept. KernelCare, one of the more popular implementations, was originally released in March 2014 by Cloud Linux, Inc.

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What’s New in WHM 58

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other | Tags: cPanel, WHM
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In WHM & cPanel 58 updates, several rather large changes have been made to improve upon user experience and to expand available features. As cPanel works to continually expand and improve their offerings, we like to do our best to keep everyone informed and updated. Here are some highlights and items to look out for as the 58 update moves to release tier.

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